

The Safeguarding and Welfare of children and young people is the very highest priority of all staff at Cannock Chase High School. We believe that students have a right to learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment which includes the right to protection from all types of abuse.

The school's Safeguarding and Child Protection Team consists of: Mrs J Simpson (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs C Bhatti (Senior Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) and Mrs C Mills (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead). As well as other members of the Pastoral Team.

Safeguarding Policy (January 2025)

Contextual Safeguarding – Guide for Young People

Our school is committed to safeguarding children and promoting children’s welfare and expects all staff, Governors, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment and maintain a vigilant and safe environment. Everyone has a responsibility to act without delay to protect children by reporting anything that might suggest a child is being abused or neglected. It is our willingness to work safely and challenge inappropriate behaviours that underpins this commitment. The school seeks to work in partnership with families and other agencies to improve the outcomes for children who are vulnerable or in need.


Safeguarding legislation and government guidance says that safeguarding means:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment;

  • Preventing impairment of children's health or development;

  • Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care;

  • Taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcome;

  • In accordance with statutory guidance all Cannock Chase High School Staff are fully aware of and are in compliance with the following guidance:

All staff receive annual Safeguarding and Child Protection training and are aware of the procedures for passing on concerns within school.

If you have a concern that any student is being harmed, is at risk of harm, or you receive information (intentionally or unintentionally) you must contact school Reception as soon as possible and ask to speak to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).  Alternatively you can contact the police on 101 or children’s services for Staffordshire on 0800 1313 126

Child Sexual Exploitation:

CSE Advice for Parents

Radicalisation and Extremism:

Radicalisation and Extremism Risk Assessment 

Safeguarding and online safety measures whilst using school devices or the schools internet service

Cannock Chase High School use the Palp Alto firewalls and NetSweeper filtering software which together ensure that students only access appropriate content whilst in school. In addition to this, we also use Smoothwall monitoring software to montior content and conduct whilst students are using ICT equiptment in school. Devices that are owned by the school but are taken home will also be monitored whilst not on the school premises. The monitoring software is checked regualrly by the safeguarding team.