Cannock Chase High School operates a strong and effective pastoral system based upon traditional values of respect, manners and good behaviour. The Pastoral Team are there to support each and every student to ensure no child is left behind, feels valued and supported, academically achieves and holistically grows and develops during their time with us.
Our Pastoral System operates in a number of ways:
Pastoral Casework - That is individual work with students who are having problems be they of an academic, vocational, social, emotional or behavioural nature.
Pastoral Curriculum - This includes both the 'hidden curriculum' that is the ethos of the school, the day to day relationships between staff and students, the value system of a school, the opportunities for moral, spiritual, social and cultural development as well as the more formal and overt pastoral curriculum, which would include, though not be limited to, the PSHE work whether done by form tutors or by subject specialists.
Pastoral Systems - That is our rewards and sanctions system in school that ensures a calm and controlled environment where students can learn without distractions whilst being rewarded and acknowledged for their unique contribution and efforts.
The Year System
Cannock Chase High School operates a ‘horizontal’ based system. Students are placed together in Year Groups under the care and guidance of a form tutor. The form tutor is the first point of contact for each student, providing advice and guidance on a daily basis. Each Year Group is led by a Director of Year who has an overview of the Year Group both from an academic and social perspective. Directors of Year set the tone for each Year Group and are a visible daily presence around school.
Directors of Year for 2024/25 are:
Year 7 – Mr D Higgs (email:
Year 8 - Miss Z White (email:
Year 9 - Mrs L Sieradzki (email:
Year 10 - Mr D Hewitt (email:
Year 11 - Mrs R Nolan (email:
Sixth Form - Mrs E Fisher (email:
Pastoral Support
Mrs C Bhatti, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (email:
The Pastoral System is overseen by Mr D Reynolds, Deputy Headteacher, Mrs Mills Assistant Headteacher Behaviour and Attitudes, and supported by Mrs J Simpson, Deputy Headteacher, Personal Development and Inclusion (, Mrs Simpson is also the Looked After Children Lead and SENDCO.
The school uses a variety of platforms to support the daily running of the school, and to ensure that all students receive the support that they need. The school uses Class Charts and Team SOS, amongst other platforms, to allow for all students to reach their true potential.
astoral Care