Accessing Emotional and Mental Health Support at Cannock Chase High School
Students can access Emotional and Mental Health support by talking to any member of staff. A referral will them be made through to the Senior Mental Health Lead who is Miss C Worrall.
If you wish to access support directly students, parents and carers can contact Miss Worrall directly via
Or students can ask any staff member to contact Miss Worrall on their behalf to arrange an appointment to talk about any concerns they may have.
Our Mental Health Ambassadors are specially training young people that can provide peer emotional support
To access the team students can speak to their Tutor or another member of the Pastoral Team who will be able to make a referral into the team. Students can also request support from the Mental Health Ambassadors by using the ‘Report it’ button on the bottom of the school and completing the form.

Other forms of support:
Support for young people with low mood or low levels of anxiety
Mental Health Support Team – 01283 504487
Available during school holidays
Leave a name and number and one of the team will be in touch.
Support for Health and wellbeing issues
Chat Health - 07520 615 721 – For Young People
Chat Health - 07520 615 722 – For Parents / Carers
Open Monday – Friday 9am - 5pm
24/7 support lines / online chat:
Young Minds - Text YM to 85258 -
Childline: 0800 1111 -
Samaritans: 116123 -
If you are worried about a young person or have a safeguarding concern
Staffordshire Childrens Advice Service – 03001118007
Monday – Thursday 8:30am – 5:00pm Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm
Emergency Duty Service: (Out of Hours)
Telephone: 0345 604 2886 Mobile: 07815 492613
General help, support and Guidance for Parents and Carers
Staffordshire Connects:
Useful links for parents:
NSPCC – Children’s mental health: Guides for parents
Advice for parents to help them support their child / children / a child / children known to them who may be experiencing depression, anxiety, suicidal feelings or self-harm.
Place2Be - Supporting your child's mental health
Parents / carers / families have an important role in teaching children and young people how to understand and manage their feelings as they grow up.
Young Minds – fighting for young people’s mental health
Parenting isn’t always easy! And it’s OK to ask for / seek help.
Make it Count – A guide for parents and carers from the Mental Health Foundation
This guide is for parents and carers to help children understand, protect, and sustain their mental health.
MIND – A charity campaigning for everyone experiencing a mental health problem to get support and respect.
'Can you make someone get help?' video
Information and Support
Paid for parenting courses are also available at:
Anger Leaflet
Anxiety Leaflet
Low Mood Leaflet
Self Esteem Leaflet
Self Harm Leaflet
Mental Health Support