Open Evening and Tours


Open Evening

The CCHS Open Evening is being held on Wednesday 25 September 2024.  School will be open for visitors (both parents and children) from 6pm to 8.30pm.
The Headteacher will give an Introductory Presentation at a number of times throughout the evening: 6.00pm, 6.30pm, 7.00pm and 7.30pm.  If you have not booked one of these Presentations, please go to the desks in the PE Entrance and we will get you into one.  When you are not in the presentation, we will have guides to take you on a tour around the site. 

OPEN Morning Tour Request Form

CCHS will be holding Open Morning tours during the week beginning 30 September 2024.  Tours will take place at 9.00am, 11.15 am and 2.00pm.

To book on one of these Tours, please complete this form.  Please give three choices in order of preference, we will do our best to give you your first choice, but this cannot be guaranteed.  You will receive an e-mail confirmation from once you have been allocated to a Tour.  We have liaised with some of the primary/junior schools and indicated preferred options for those, however, all options are open to all parents.

Please arrive at Reception a few minutes before your Tour is due to start.


Click on this link to book your Tour:

Open Morning Tour Booking Form

The Booking Form is now closed.  However, if you were unable to visit during that week, but would still like to come for a tour, please e-mail your name and contact number to and we will be in touch.  If you have any specific availability, please include this in your e-mail.