Year 6 to Year 7 Transition


Open Evening

The CCHS Open Evening was held in September 2024.

upcoming events

Full details are in the Welcome & Transition Pack on the right hand side of this page.


New Intake Days (Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 June 2025) 

Please meet in the Lower School Hall at 8.45am.  Students should wear the clothing they usually wear to attend their current Primary School.  They should bring a pencil case, with a minimum of two black pens, one pencil, one ruler and one eraser.  They will also need to bring a water bottle and a pair of trainers.  Students will be dismissed from Lower School from 3.00 pm (3.20 pm if waiting for older siblings).


New Intake Evening (Wednesday 25 June 2025) 

This will take place in the Upper School Hall (off Calving Hill), starting at 5.30 pm. 

Your child will receive a letter on the first transition day (Wednesday 24 June) to indicate which tutor group they are in.


The first schedule will be for students in Tutor Groups 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D*

   5.30pm:        Registration/Purchase of PE Kit and uniform

   6.00pm:        Upper School Hall:  Address by Mr Turnbull, Headteacher

   6.30pm:        Meet the Tutor talks in classrooms

   7.15pm:        End of the evening


The second schedule will be for students in Tutor Groups 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H*

   6.00pm:       Registration Purchase of PE Kit and uniform

   6.30pm:       Upper School Hall:  Address by Mr Turnbull, Headteacher

   7.00pm:       Meet the Tutor talks in classrooms

   7.45pm:        End of the evening


Summer School (Dates to be confirmed) 

Summer School will run from 9.45am to 3pm each day.  Students are to attend at LOWER School.

As this event is taking place during the official school holidays, Reception will not be open.  Therefore, if you urgently need to contact a member of staff, please use 07399 069401.  Please note this should only be used for emergencies.

Summer School Information Letter

Summer School Timetable