Leadership opportunities are vital in all schools as it give students the opportunity to make a positive impact within their school community and develop potential in themselves as future leaders.
‘The provider’s wider work support learners to develop their character- including their resilience, confidence and independence’ Ofsted framework 2019
All year 10 students are invited to apply to become a year 11 Prefect. Students submit a letter of application to register their interest. Students are then shortlisted based on the letter to attend an interview with the Director of Year and Deputy Headteacher. At the end of this rigorous interview process a team of prefects are offered the role.
The students are then trained by Mid-counties Co-op on building leadership skills and teamwork during the Summer term of Year 10. The students then play a vital role in supporting with Year 7 transition, being on duty around school at break and lunchtime, being role models and representative for the school at all internal and external events as well as being involved in school tours for prospective parents and interviews for prospective staff.
The students are easily identified around the site by their distinctive Prefect tie and badge which are presented to them in an awards ceremony in September of Year 11 which parents are invited to attend.
School Council: School council has recommenced in September 2021 also and has the following format:

The students who wish to apply to be a Council representative communicate this to their tutor. A vote is then conducted by the tutor with the tutees and a representative is then selected.
The tutor representatives then meet to agree an agenda for the upcoming meetings and then lead this with their own tutor groups to feed back to the year group council meetings lead by the Director of Year. 2 representatives from each year group are then selected to attend the whole school Council meetings which is led by the Head Boy and Head Girl. The outcomes of the whole school council meetings are then shared with the Leadership Team and actions from the back of this are then shared back with the school council.
Peer Mentors:
Students in years 8-11 have been given the opportunity to apply to be trained as a Peer Mentor with a view to then supporting other students in the school with various issues that they might have (action outcome from Whole School Mental Health and Wellbeing working party). This was launched in assemblies and the students had to request an application form from Mrs Allen to complete. Selected students (plus all the Library ambassadors that want to complete it) are then taken through an accredited course through the Youth Employment Agency on mindfulness and reducing stress. Mrs Worrall (Designated Safeguarding lead) completes a session on safeguarding training and H.Allen/.DPotts complete further training on other elements such as bereavement. The students are trained this term ready for a January 2022 start when the referral system is launched.
These students are provided with a Peer Mentor Badge in order to recognize them around the school and they all attended a presentation afternoon with the parents to receive their badge and certificate.