‘Governors show a high level of commitment to the school and local community. The support and challenge they bring helps to drive improvement in the school.’
Ofsted 2023
Chair of Governors: Mrs Claire Aldridge
Introducing the Governors
The Governing Body consists of parents, staff, Co-opted Governors, Community Governors and Partnership Governors. Governors may be contacted via the school office.
Mrs C Aldridge: Parent Governor, Chair of Governors (Linked to: Safeguarding and Leadership & Management)
Mr S Afgan: Parent Governor
Mrs H Allen: Staff Governor
Mr M Bedford: Parent Governor
Mrs J Bridges: Appointed Governor
Mrs T Bryan: Appointed Governor
Mrs P Bury: Appointed Governor (Linked to: Inclusion (inc SEND))
Mr R Craddock: Parent Governor
Mrs R Forster: Appointed Governor (Linked to Personal Development)
Mr S Gooderham: Appointed Governor (Linked to: Finance)
Mrs J Handley: Parent Governor
Miss D Jinks: Appointed Governor
Mrs P Jones Blower: Appointed Governor (Linked to: Quality of Education)
Mrs J Wood: Parent Governor (Linked to: Health & Safety and Inclusion (ind SEND))
Miss C Worrall: Co-opted Governor
Mr I Turnbull: Headteacher
Miss C Galpin: Clerk to the Governing Body
Governing Body Committee Structure
Terms of Office: 4 years duration (with potential at the end of that period for re-election providing the eligible criteria are still met).
All regular Governor meetings are held on Wednesdays and start at 4.30pm. Ad-hoc meetings (e.g disciplinary meetings, exclusion meetings) are held to fit in with Governors and the school’s needs.
Regular Committees each meet once per term (ie 3 times per year) unless stated otherwise.
Full Governing Body
Standards Committee (Behaviour & Attitudes, Personal Development, Inclusion Reports)
Standards Committee (Quality of Education, Leadership & Managemnet Reports)
Finance & Resources Committee
Ad-Hoc Committees (Convened as and when required)
Not all Governors sit on all the Committees.
The Governors make decisions on a wide range of matters affecting the school and monitor its progress and standards. They ratify policies and procedures, staff salaries and pay progression and any matter pertaining to the school’s function and role in the community. They have the final say on whether or not a student is permanently excluded, and are responsible for setting the school’s targets on attainment and attendance annually, as well as the Headteacher’s performance management targets (usually by a sub-committee of three Governors, advised by an external adviser).
Committee Membership and Terms of Reference
Full Governing Body
Membership: All Governors
Standing Committees
Meetings are calendared, and for whom a quorum is one half of the membership of the Committee.
Standards Committee (Behaviour & Attitudes, Personal Development, Inclusion Reports)
Membership: as indicated in the Meet the Governors Document
Standards Committee (B&A, PD, IR): Terms of Reference
Standards Committee (Quality of Education, Leadership & Managemnet Reports)
Membership: as indicated in the Meet the Governors Document
Standards Committee (QofE, L&M): Terms of Reference
Finance & Resources Committee
Membership: as indicated in the Meet the Governors Document
Finance & Resources Committee: Terms of Reference
Ad Hoc Committees
The Governing Body has the authority to set up any ad hoc committees and working parties as appropriate (such as committees that need to be convened as part of a staffing reduction process), however, those committees will usually fall within this list of ad hoc committees. The Chair of an ad hoc committee may be determined by the full Governing Body or delegated to the committee to elect.
Disciplinary Committee: Staff
Disciplinary Committee: Students
Hearings Committee
Appeals Committee