Maths Learning Community

Director of Learning Community Welcome

The Mathematics Learning Community has undergone a revolution in recent years, and has the perfect mix of youth and experience to ensure that we face the new educational landscape head-on.  We take great pride in trying to ensure that all of our students reach their potential; whether that is applying for Russell Group universities or achieving an Adult Numeracy qualification to move onto the next stage of their life.  The school motto of ‘Achievement for All’ really matters to us – through hard work, dedication and perseverance, we will do everything we can to make sure that students are successful in our Learning Community.  And, of course, we do like ‘doing Maths’ just a little bit!

Meet the Community:

Miss. Worthy

Director of Maths

I graduated Lancaster University with a First Class BA (Hons) Economics and Politics degree in 2008.  I have been teaching for 6 years, and enjoy the new challenges that every day brings!

e-mail address:

Miss Poole

TLR responsibilities: Phase 1 (Year 7 and 8)

Graduated from university with a Maths degree and then went straight into teaching. I have now taught for 18 years and still love every minute.

e-mail address:

Mrs Humphries

TLR responsibilities: Phase 2 (Year 9  and Year 10)

e-mail address:

Miss Connors

Assistant Director of Maths (KS5)

I graduated from the University of Kent with a 2:1 degree in mathematics. I then went on to study for a postgraduate certificate in education at the University of East London. I have been teaching mathematics in Essex for the last 3 years.

Having grown up living near Cannock Chase I have always enjoyed the outdoors and  horse riding in particular and I am pleased to be back in such a lovely part of the country. 

Mrs Harvey-Wright

Teacher of Mathematics

I read Chemistry at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), before moving to The University of Manchester to undertake postgraduate study. After this I spent 2 years working in banking. This must have whetted my appetite for numbers, as I then moved to the midlands and studied Mathematics at Wolverhampton University, before embarking on teacher training at the same institution.

e-mail address:


Teacher of Mathematics

I graduated with a first class honours degree from the Open University with a BSc in Mathematics.  After my A levels, I spent 20+ years in the IT industry.  During my time in the IT industry I designed and delivered software for many companies, these include Barclays Bank, Boots the Chemist and Pearl Assurance. 

I always wanted to teach, I just took the scenic route to getting here.  

e-mail address:

Mr Worthy

Teacher of Mathematics

Graduated with a BSc Honours (1st Class) in Criminal Justice and Criminology from Barton College, North Carolina, USA.

I am a big Aston Villa fan, someone has to support them!

e-mail address:

Miss Amin

Teacher of Mathematics


I graduated with an Upper 2nd Class from the University of Birmingham with a BSc in Mathematics with Business Management. After graduating, I studied and worked in China briefly (a brilliant experience). I worked in Finance in London for 2 years after this and then decided to embark on a career in teaching Mathematics, and here I am!

e-mail address:

Mrs Nicholson - Cover supervisor

e-mail address:

Introduction to the subject:

Mathematics is a compulsory part of the curriculum, and students will be studying a variety of different modules in Number, Algebra, Geometry and Measure and Statistics throughout their five years with us.  If students choose to continue onto further study, we have a specialised team of A Level teachers who have a history of achieving excellent A Level results.  The Mathematics Learning Community is housed in two blocks of specialist rooms, with each room having an interactive whiteboard or C-Touch board, along with the required mathematical equipment.

KS3 Overview (information about how many lessons a week, topics covered, trips, facilities, equipment etc)

Students have 3 lessons a week of Mathematics in Year 7 and Year 8, and follow a bespoke Scheme of Work that we have designed based on the National Curriculum and advice from Staffordshire Education Authority.  In particular, we also include problem solving materials within modules to ensure that students are prepared for the new GCSE specification, and cover a ‘Financial Maths’ module during Year 7 and 8.  All students are expected to come to lessons equipped – we also recommend that students buy their own calculator, preferably a Casio one, so that they can get used to using their own calculator from Year 7. 

Students are assessed every 6 weeks, with homework in between.  Students will also have the opportunity to attend a trip over the course of Year 7 and Year 8, as well as take part in a number of national competitions, including the UKMT Maths Challenge.  A number of outside agencies, including Barclays bank, regularly visit school to offer specialised sessions to students.

KS4 Overview (information about how many lessons a week, topics covered, trips, facilities, equipment etc as well as GCSE exam board and course information

Students have 4 lessons a week of Mathematics, and follow the Edexcel specification at GCSE.  All students are expected to come to lessons equipped – we also recommend that students buy their own calculator, preferably a Casio one, so that they can get used to using their own calculator from the start of their GCSE. 

In Year 9, students are assessed every 6 weeks in line with school data capture deadlines, with homework set in between.  In Year 10 and Year 11, students are assessed every 3 weeks, and are asked to complete a ‘Progress Friday’ assessment based on the work they have covered.

During their time in KS4, students will have the opportunity to take part in a number of activities, including the UKMT Maths Challenge, the University of Birmingham Big Quiz, educational visits and, for the most able, the possibility of studying the Level 3 Algebra Award.

KS5 Overview (information about how many lessons a week, topics covered, trips, facilities, equipment etc as well as GCSE exam board and course information

We offer two qualifications in KS5 – Mathematics and Further Mathematics.  All students studying Mathematics are required to have achieved at least a Grade B at GCSE – Further Mathematicians are required to have achieved at least a Grade A at GCSE.  Students have 5 lessons a week at KS5, and are provided with folders and assessment folders to use for their studies.  Students will be required to complete an assessment and assessment homework once every half term – with smaller homework to be completed as required.  Independent study is an essential part of success at A Level!  Modules studied include Core (Pure Maths), Statistics, Mechanics and Decision Maths.

To support students, we have a newly created ‘Sixth Form Hub’ that students can use to complete work or get additional help with their studies.  There are also numerous opportunities outside of the classroom, including the opportunity to enter the UKMT Maths Challenge and to take part in Enrichment Days run by the Institute of Mathematics at Warwick University.

Subject News : (add any interesting information/upcoming events etc here) this will be launched in sept!

Thursday 5th November 2015 – Senior UK Maths Challenge paper (6th form) – selected students only

Thursday 4th February 2016 – Intermediate UK Maths Challenge paper (year 9 and 10) – selected students only

Thursday 8th April 2016 – Junior UK Maths Challenge paper (year 7 and 8) – selected students only