KS5 Overview (information about how many lessons a week, topics covered, trips, facilities, equipment etc as well as GCSE exam board asnd course information
Key Stage 3
Students in Y7 and 8 receive two French lessons per week. (2 hours study)
The department has an extensive array of resources including textbooks, audio and visual equipment.
Topics we study include:
Year 7
Language Awareness
Self and Family
Sports and hobbies
Study of the Francophonie country of Mali
Year 8
Europe and me – countries and nationalities, food
Le Monde – Francophone countries and holidays
Out of this World – the solar system, parts of the body, illness
Extra- curricular opportunities include:
Trip to France
Key Stage 4
GCSE French Exam Board: AQA
Students in Y9-11 receive three French lessons per week. (3 hours study)
The department has an extensive array of resources including textbooks, audio and visual equipment.
Topics are divided in to 3 broad themes:
Theme 1: Identity and culture. This includes:
Me, my family and friends
Relationships with family and friends, marriage and partnership
Free-time activities; Music, Cinema and TV, Food and eating out, Sport
Customs and festivals in French-speaking countries/communities
Technology in everyday life; Social media, Mobile technology
Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest
Home, town, neighbourhood and region
Social issues; Healthy/unhealthy living
Travel and tourism
Global issues; the Environment, Poverty and Homelessness
Social issues; Charity/voluntary work
Theme 3: Current and future study and employment
My studies
Life at school/college
Education post 16
Career choices and ambitions
Extra- curricular opportunities include:
Trip to France, Staffordshire-Limousin Exchange Programme
Students are assessed in the four skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing.
Key Stage 5
A level Exam Board: AQA
Students in Year 12 and 13 receive 5 French lesson per week (5 hours study)
Subject Content
Year 12: There are 4 main topics which are divided in to 3 sub topics each:
Media – Television, Advertising, New Technologies
Popular – Cinema, Music, Fashion/Trends
Healthy Living and Healthy Lifestyle – Sport/exercise, Health and Well-being, Holidays
Family/relationships – Relationships within the family, Friendships, Marriage and Partnerships
Year 13:
Environment – Pollution, Energy, Protecting the planet
The Multicultural Society – Immigration, Integration, Racism
Contemporary Social issues – Wealth and Poverty, Law and Order, Impact of scientific and technological progress
Cultural Topic – study of a film, director or book
Students are assessed in the following way:
Year 12:
Unit 1: 2 hours
Listening, Reading and Writing 70% of the total AS marks
35% of the total A-level marks
Unit 2 : 35 minutes
(including 20 minutes preparation time)
Speaking 30% of the total AS marks
15% of the total A-level marks
Year 13:
Unit 3 : 2½ hours
Listening, Reading and Writing 35% of the total A-level marks
Unit 4: 35 minutes
(including 20 minutes preparation time)
Speaking 15% of the total A-level marks
Extra-curricular activities include: the Staffordshire-Limousin French Exchange, Limoges Work Experience
30% of the total AS marks 15% of the total A-level marks