

Without Geography you would go nowhere and not know very much! Driving a car, taking a trip, involve Geography, the news on the television is Geography, the Earth we live on, the weather outside,  the town we live in, the things we see out of our window, the clothes we buy and the food we eat are all Geography. In fact, you are all already experts in Geography.

Awe and wonder is the true essence of Geography and are the key components of all our Geography lessons. With 7 billion people on the planet, it’s a big world out there and Cannock represents a tiny fraction of it. Geography is at the forefront of politics and the media. Our lessons will broaden your horizons and your knowledge about the World we live in, be able to watch the news and understand it, plus a few exciting fieldtrips for good measure.

Fieldwork…The stuff legends are made of!

The best bit! Fieldwork, data collection, map work and the enquiry process are essential skills examined at GCSE and therefore underpin Geographical study in all year groups

KS5 Overview (information about how many lessons a week, topics covered, trips, facilities, equipment etc as well as GCSE exam board asnd course information

Key Stage 3

Students in Y7 and 8 receive two Geography lessons per week. (2 hours study)

Topics we study include:

Year 7

  • Passport to the World- My place in the World and an African Adventure
  • Map Skills
  • Making Connections- Globalisation and The Geography of Sport
  • Cool Geography- Rocks and Ice
  • National Parks- Tourism
  • Coasts

Year 8

  • Rivers
  • Biomes- Tropical Rainforests and Hot Deserts
  • Development- Brazil and Migration
  • Risky Business- Plate Tectonics (Earthquakes and Volcanoes)
  • Comparing Countries- India and China
  • Weather and Climate

Fieldwork and extra- curricular opportunities include:

School grounds project, orienteering,  Peak District, rivers study, Royal Botanical Gardens, Rainforest Roadshow

Key Stage 4

GCSE Geography Exam Board: AQA

Students in Y9-11 receive three Geography lessons per week. (3 hours study)

Lessons are divided into ‘skills builders,’ and ‘core GCSE content.’

Skills Builders

  • Urbanisation (map skills)
  • Population
  • Tourism
  • Global Superpowers
  • Amazing Places

Core Content

Paper 1: Physical Geography

(1hr 30mins) 35% of overall grade

  • Natural Hazards (Earthquakes, volcanoes, tropical storms, an extreme UK weather event)
  • Physical Landscapes (Coasts and glaciation)
  • Living World (Ecosystems, tropical rainforests, cold environments)

Paper 2: Human Geography

(1hr 30mins) 35% of overall grade

  • Urban Challenges (A study of two contrasting cities)
  • Economic World (Globalisation and development)
  • Water a precious resource

Paper 3: Skills

(1 hour) 30% of overall grade

  • Certificate of participation in one human and one physical Geographical fieldwork
  • Examination on enquiry process of two pieces of Geographical fieldwork
  • Decision Making Exercise- Based on a resource pre released by exam board
  • Map work
  • Data response

Fieldwork and extra- curricular opportunities include:

One human and one physical piece of fieldwork (Stratford-upon-Avon) *

Land use transect (Cannock) Urban Study (Birmingham) Globalisation (Cadbury World)

Residential- Coasts (Dorset) Glaciation (Lake District)

* Denotes a compulsory trip

No KS5 option

Links for learning:

A full list of websites suitable for students aged 11-16. Topics covered include: Landscapes, sustainable development, class clips, coastlines, development, environment, rivers and BBC Bitesize

Key Geographical content and case studies

Website relating to river issues.

Topical case studies that are in the news

Mapping website.  Log in details can be obtained from your class teacher


Quake feed (Artisan Global)

Mapping software showing the location, depth and magnitude of most recent earthquake activity. Shows different types of plate boundary

Finger measure (Watanabe Toshinori)

Measure distances on maps using your finger.

Decibel 10th (SkyPaw Ltd)

Measure how loud or quiet a sound is. Great for fieldwork.

Google Earth (Google, Inc)

Fly around the planet with a swipe of your finger!

Fotopedia (Fotonauts)

Hundreds of photos of some of the words most famous locations.

UN Country Stats (United Nations)

Information and statistics about all countries. Indicators of development can be compared between countries.


Introduction to the subject:

Why study French?  French is a romantic and beautiful language and is still widely spoken across the world. The study of languages, particularly French opens up opportunities to study and work abroad. It encourages students to use a different part of their brain, develop confidence and learn to appreciate a culture other than their own. The study of grammar often improves their competence in English. Students who hope to pursue courses and careers overseas may well find they need a qualification in a modern language.

Learning a language and having knowledge of a foreign language is a concrete life skill, and is highly valued by colleges, universities and employers. English is not enough - 94% of the world’s population do not speak English as their first language.  75% of the world's population DO NOT speak ANY English at all.  A little language makes a lot of difference!

The MFL Department at Cannock Chase High School is progressive and dynamic.  The commitment and professionalism of the staff has led to consistently good and improving results.  French is taught in dedicated classrooms which have interactive whiteboards.  There is an ICT suite located within the Department containing 24 computers with broadband internet connections and a printer. 

KS5 Overview (information about how many lessons a week, topics covered, trips, facilities, equipment etc as well as GCSE exam board asnd course information

Key Stage 3

Students in Y7 and 8 receive two French lessons per week. (2 hours study)

The department has an extensive array of resources including textbooks, audio and visual equipment.

Topics we study include:

Year 7

  • Language Awareness
  • Self and Family
  • Town
  • Home
  • Sports and hobbies
  • Study of the Francophonie country of Mali

Year 8

  • School
  • Europe and me – countries and nationalities, food
  • Le Monde – Francophone countries and holidays
  • Out of this World – the solar system, parts of the body, illness

Extra- curricular opportunities include:

Trip to France

Key Stage 4

GCSE French Exam Board: AQA

Students in Y9-11 receive three French lessons per week. (3 hours study)

The department has an extensive array of resources including textbooks, audio and visual equipment.

Topics are divided in to 3 broad themes:

Theme 1: Identity and culture.  This includes:

  • Me, my family and friends
  • Relationships with family and friends, marriage and partnership
  • Free-time activities; Music, Cinema and TV, Food and eating out, Sport
  • Customs and festivals in French-speaking countries/communities
  • Technology in everyday life; Social media, Mobile technology

Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest

  • Home, town, neighbourhood and region
  • Social issues; Healthy/unhealthy living
  • Travel and tourism
  • Global issues; the Environment, Poverty and Homelessness
  • Social issues; Charity/voluntary work

Theme 3: Current and future study and employment

  • My studies
  • Life at school/college
  • Education post 16
  • Career choices and ambitions

Extra- curricular opportunities include:

Trip to France, Staffordshire-Limousin Exchange Programme

Students are assessed in the four skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing.

Key Stage 5

A level Exam Board: AQA

Students in Year 12 and 13 receive 5 French lesson per week (5 hours study)

Subject Content

Year 12: There are 4 main topics which are divided in to 3 sub topics each:

  • Media – Television, Advertising, New Technologies
  • Popular – Cinema, Music, Fashion/Trends
  • Healthy Living and Healthy Lifestyle – Sport/exercise, Health and Well-being, Holidays
  • Family/relationships – Relationships within the family, Friendships, Marriage and Partnerships

Year 13:

  • Environment – Pollution, Energy, Protecting the planet
  • The Multicultural Society – Immigration, Integration, Racism
  • Contemporary Social issues – Wealth and Poverty, Law and Order, Impact of scientific and technological progress
  • Cultural Topic – study of a film, director or book

Students are assessed in the following way:

Year 12:

Unit 1: 2 hours

Listening, Reading and Writing 70% of the total AS marks

35% of the total A-level marks

Unit 2 : 35 minutes

(including 20 minutes preparation time)

Speaking 30% of the total AS marks

15% of the total A-level marks

Year 13:

Unit 3 : 2½ hours

Listening, Reading and Writing  35% of the total A-level marks

Unit 4: 35 minutes

(including 20 minutes preparation time)

Speaking  15% of the total A-level marks

Extra-curricular activities include: the Staffordshire-Limousin French Exchange, Limoges Work Experience

30% of the total AS marks 15% of the total A-level marks